With the ongoing support of our dedicated donors, MAZON Canada supports hundreds of food projects all over the country, feeding people of all ages, ethnicities, faiths and abilities.
No-one can explain the impact of a gift to Mazon better than the people who are fed by it:

MAZON Board Member Talia Klein Leighton with a student at TFSS
"Thanks to support, students have been able to enjoy a healthy meal on a daily basis while at the same time learning the skills of preparing healthy food and why it’s so essential to their health and wellness. Thank you for your continued support of our students and communities."
Toronto Foundation For Student Success
"This is a prayer answered! Please, thank MAZON Canada for me and my family."
Svend Kleh, Client at Youth Now On Track Services

Volunteer chopping veggies at Downtown Eastside Women's Centre in Vancouver BC.

Volunteer from the Nelson Community Food Centre
"Although our school is small, more than 50% come to school hungry. This grant has helped our students have access to food for learning, helps them concentrate in class and feel at ease knowing they can come to the office for food without feeling embarrassed. Food insecurity can be the biggest factor to behavioural issues, mental health problems and depression. The students know we always have food for them and that it is accessible to them."
York Region Food for Learning
"Thank you so much for the time you give us to rest our emotions, hearts and thoughts as we are healing. My daughter will grow stronger seeing that there is good in this world and that nothing needs to be returned for this great gift."
Client at Auberge Shalom Pour Femmes

Volunteers cooking at Haven Toronto

Volunteers packing food boxes at MAZON grantee The Mustard Seed (BC).
“Hello, my name is Michelle, and l moved here from South Africa. My husband and I were not expecting to have to use the food bank. When we went there we thought that it was going to be just a box of old food. What a surprise to find that they had fresh fruit and vegetables for my family! The ladies informed me that an organization called MAZON provided these. Thank you very much. We are so happy to have come to this great country.“ - Melville & District Food Bank
School District 50

Rosh Hashannah food box from MADA

Volunteers at Loving Spoonful
"The kids loved the oranges, peaches and much more that was given to us. Watching the kids faces light up when they saw the food and how quiet they were while eating because they were enjoying it so much! Thank you so much for giving our kids the option to have healthy snacks and lunches all summer!!"
I Can for Kids