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MAZON Canada is looking for new Board members! Tell your friends! Seriously, send this to them!

MAZON Board Member Talia Klein Leighton with a student at Toronto Foundation For Student Success.


MAZON Canada is a grassroots community foundation that feeds Canadians of all ages, ethnicities, faiths and abilities on behalf of the Jewish community by supporting front-line food projects across the country. We provide grants for food and equipment, and educate and advocate toward an end to hunger in Canada. We grant about $750,000 each year to over 200 front-line food programs, prioritizing small, grassroots programs and those that serve under-served populations. Last year, we provided more than 800 meals per day through our partners (for a total of 300,000 meals throughout 2021) in 10 provinces and territories. Learn more at!


  • In our most recent strategic visioning session, here's how our board described their experience of Mazon: openminded, creative, collaborative, strategic, intentional, professional, contemporary, out-of-the-box, joyful, grounded, energized.

  • Mazon's board is a working Board. Members hold specific roles and organize independent lay-leadership projects outside of Board meetings (ie, committees like Education, Advocacy, Allocations or Fundraising)

  • Mazon's current board has 4 experienced returning members and is looking to grow intentionally, slowly, and selectively to a maximum of 12. Current members are: Betty Gaertner (Chair), Suellen Boyd (Treasurer), Laurel Rothman, and Carrie Mazoff,

  • Four current members are based in Toronto, and one in Montreal - as an organization with a national mandate, we are particularly interested in recruiting more geographically and experientially diverse board members (see 'priorities' below).

  • Mazon is experiencing a period of incredible growth, with 2020 and 2021 fundraising revenues nearly double 2019 levels. As a result, we are well situated to take (reasonable) risks on creative experiments to reach new people and further our impact.

  • In other words, Mazon is a place where a motivated person can really see their work valued and come to fruition, and where their values can be expressed as tangible impact on the lives of vulnerable people.

  • Never sat on a Board before? Not 100% sure what it entails? If you're a smart, passionate person looking to make a difference through a regular volunteer commitment, get in touch at so we can talk about it!


Membership requires:

  • An availability of 8 hours a month on average, including 8-10 meetings a year, spent representing Mazon in the community, running independent committee initiatives, participating in Board education processes, etc.

  • Knowledge of and passion for Canadian food security and/or poverty and relevant policy – or a strong willingness to commit the time to learn.

  • Knowledge of the Canadian Jewish community, including its institutions and mainstream ideological currents, as well as our traditions and culture - or a strong willingness to commit the time to learn.

  • A cooperative, supportive attitude, leaving egos at the door, seeking to balance bold new ideas with data-driven decision-making to make the best choices possible to benefit food-insecure Canadians.


To balance our current board, we will prioritize (not require) members that:

  • Are outside of Ontario (especially in Montreal);

  • Have skills that can help us fulfill our mission, especially:

    • planning & running events;

    • planning & running education programs;

    • fundraising;

    • developing our community network; and,

  • Have experience in front-line work or advocacy against poverty, or lived experience of poverty and/or marginalization.


To get in touch, please send a resume or a summary of your relevant skills and experiences to our Executive Director, Izzy Waxman, at - or send an email requesting a call for more information.


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